26 Sep In loving memory.
I haven't written for a few days. Life kind of took over. Sometimes best laid plans have to be put to one side to deal with the important stuff of real...
I haven't written for a few days. Life kind of took over. Sometimes best laid plans have to be put to one side to deal with the important stuff of real...
My therapist tells me that she believes it probably won't be long until there is a test, a blood test or something, that will tell what is chemically happening in...
"Depression for me, wasn't a dulling, but a sharpening, an intensifying, as though I had been living my life in a shell and now the shell wasn't there. It was...
Yesterday in church we sang together. We sang the words, "you're never going to let, you're never going to let me down". The words caught in my throat and I fell silent. I couldn't...
You know the saying 'When life gives you lemons, make lemonade'? Well sometimes when I see that written or hear it said, it makes me really mad. Because sometimes the lemons...
It is tempting to want to be a builder; to work with a plan, to know what you are going to produce before you have finished, to be sure about...
Recently I've been thinking about the connectedness of everything. About how it is all part of the same thing. We are all substance and soil and soul. We are all atoms...
(Before the summer I wrote three posts about creativity, you can read the first one here. This is part 4.) I want to live a creative life, of making and discovering, of...