02 Oct When things don’t go my way, or, Dealing with Disappointment.
A few things have happened this year that I have found pretty disappointing.
I didn’t get a job I thought I would get, and really wanted. Some funding I was expecting didn’t come off. Some other funding I have been promised was latterly withdrawn. A friend talked to me about a work opportunity and then (through no ill will, just unexpected circumstances) went with another director.
And all this happened in a very short space of time (about a week).
It was pretty gutting. I felt sad and a bit silly. I also started doubting myself and thinking no one would ever want to work with me again. And I got a bit cross.
As I’m not a fan of self-pity I had a big talk to myself and on the whole, most of the time, I dealt with it. I ‘worked on’ my attitude. I explained the situations away and told myself that I was better off with these things not working out. That it was all part of a big plan and there were better things round the corner. That the timings had been all wrong (they probably were actually) and the work would have been a failure, too stressful and not fun (who am I kidding?, I would have loved bring creative and doing the work!).
A few months down the line I am mostly ok with it all, but every now and again (like today) I recognise the bitter taste of regret and disappointment rising up my throat again. If I’m not careful I wander down the road to where the self pity party is kicking off. I wallow for a while and lick my wounds. I tell myself that it was all a very terrible thing, that I was hard done by, and the injustice of it was considerable.
Then I pat myself on the back for being such a trooper.
I know…. Makes me want to vomit too. I’d like a better way of dealing with it. (We actually drove past this sign on Monday – near Durham – someone trying to tell me something?)
Recently I was reading a blog I sometimes enjoy by a writer called Donald Miller (you can find his blog here: http://storylineblog.com.)
On his blog he linked to a speech Conan O’Brien made when he had got the boot from NBC. I don’t know the ins and outs of it but I’m sure you could google it, I get the feeling it was a bit of an injustice, or at least that is how his fans saw it. I think he gave this speech on his last show.
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/20534171]
Inspired by this, i am going to endeavour to take Conan O’Brien’s approach. When I taste that bitterness rising again I am going to choose to not be cynical. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. I will work hard, have fun and be kind. And expect amazing stuff to happen.
I’m ridiculously blessed and fortunate. Of course it’s not all going to go my way.
Posted at 16:42h, 02 OctoberI ‘get’ this 🙂
Yes. I do.
Love the little video, words very true. Not sure about the videography tho eh? Feel a bit giddy!
Posted at 18:01h, 02 OctoberKnow what you mean Sarah, felt a bit like i was ‘at sea’, but the words are good!
Jenny Harding
Posted at 09:08h, 03 OctoberLove this, think the whole nation could do with a dose of Conan O’Brien!
Posted at 08:41h, 05 OctoberLove your work Elli – really enjoying reading it.